Apex Santiago


During your three weeks in Santiago, you will get a taste of what cross-cultural missions is like. We are partnering with a church that has many different ministry opportunities that you could serve alongside. There are many different settings around the city, which will lead to a variety of experiences during your time there.

These may include:

  • Christian school - there will be opportunities to teach English lessons and activities in a classroom setting.
  • sports ministry after school options - volleyball, cheerleading, etc.
  • migrant/transitional center - working with our migrant population doing outreach events and serving the neighborhood alongside migrants staying at the home.
  • Coming alongside the local church - Sunday prep, bible studies, devotionals with the church staff & attendees

This trip will be a complete immersion experience in the Chilean culture through the eyes of a national church. Our prayer is that this trip will not only help you grow in your faith, but that it will also help you to serve in God’s kingdom wherever the Lord takes you. Come be a part of what God is doing in Santiago!


  • May 21-24 – Apex Orientation in Chicago, Illinois
  • May 25-26 – Arrive in Santiago
  • June 14-16 – Return home

Applications are closed for 2024.

Reach out to start the conversation about applying for 2025!